Apprentissage différencié 4
The collection "Apprentissage différencié" has been designed for students with special education needs.
We regularly meet with teachers in special education at the secondary level who tell us how delighted they are with our documents. Talking with them, here is the main request that comes up: "We would like to have a grammar series for our students ranging in age from 12 to 18, and for which the primary school learnings are not all acquired. We would like the text within these documents to reflect the age of our students and cover topics that are relevant to them. Following this request, we produced a series of documents entitled Apprentissage différencié. Of course, this series does not contain all the concepts taught in the French program, but it will prove to be a useful tool that will help you review with your students elementary items that were not fully acquired.
The themes developed in this volume are:
• Think before you buy
• Resourcefulness
• Cyberbullying
• Dreaming of singing
• Romantic relationships
• A traditional dish
• To affirm its identity
• Healthy lifestyle
The digital document is sold separately from the paper document. The answer key is sold separately.