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Read moreOur reproductibles
Our primary mission is to provide quality, competitively priced reproducible teaching materials for elementary and secondary teachers.
We offer reproducible material in French as a first and second language, mathematics, science and technology, social sciences, English as a second language, Spanish, drama, music and dance.
Literacy & Numeracy
Our literacy collections include Du plaisir à lire, a series for beginners and intermediate readers, which is beautifully illustrated and written by Quebec authors.
Discover also the Collection Être, Imagimondes, Trois pas, Contes intemporels, Éveil aux contes as well as Lecture à la carte and Math à la carte allowing the students to exercise in a playful way the skills targeted by the MELS program.
Éditions de l'envolée
Éditions « À REPRODUIRE »
We are committed to providing teachers, parents and students with quality educational resources that are designed to facilitate learning. We value the development of literacy, numeracy, science and arts. Share with us the passion for education!
local 1,
Lévis (Qc) G6C 1J6
Open from 8h30 to 16h30 Monday to Saturday
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