Génie - Résoudre une étape à la fois 5
$20.00This 5th grade book is designed to help students solve with success mathematical problems that require a lot of calculations. The problems included in this book are perfect to get ready for the finals. Many concepts are covered, like geometry, calculation, measure, etc. In this volume, less information is available about the operations needed to solve the problems in comparison to the volumes 3 and 4. Instead, the students will find steps to follow in order to avoid forgetting some calculations. This way, they will be trained to find right calculation when solving a problem. Some exercises may require the use of a calculator.
This document sold by Éditions de l'Envolée comes from the website Geniepublication.com.
It is sold here in paper format, without coil and in black and white.
You may get the PDF version in colours, as well as the answer key at Geniepublication.com